Adityarup Laha

| Personal Website

Just a place for me to share my thoughts and projects.


A few projects I’ve worked with…

There’s a few projects I’ve been associated with in the past, but because of time constraints, haven’t been able to work on recently. However, they’re still very much worth checking out.


I’d like to express by gratitude towards SciAstra. I was a student of their maiden batch, which was basically just a lot of PDFs, exams (in the form of Google Forms) and interaction sessions, before they even had a formal name. As of August 2022, they’re starting with their second yearlong proper batch of students, with incredible results from the first one.

I was a mentor in many of their courses during that year and still try to show up in sessions from time to time to interact with the current batch. I really believe they’re doing a great job of promoting science research in India, this is not a paid endorsement. Please check them out, and spread the message to anyone whbo you think may be interested.

I was once interviewed by them, you can check that out here.

Tools I use…


Trello is a tool we use on a near-daily basis as part of our internal resource management at ISI. We, as a batch, use it for practically everything from announcements to important resources to class notes. I strongly recommend Trello as a tool to organize both your personal and professional life. Check it out..

VS Code

All my software work, including building this website, is done on VS Code. Its intuitive, easy-on-the-eyes UI, paired with the myriad of functionalities you can add via the thousands of available extensions more than makes up for the relatively large resource footprint for me. Since I primarily write Python, R, or TypeScript these days anyway, I have never needed a full-fledged IDE.

Arch Linux

My main machine currently is an Acer Nitro AN515-57 running Arch Linux. I repurposed my old desktop into a server, also running Arch. It offers me a pretty bleeding-edge yet stable system with access to the AUR. What more could I want?

…and more.

Friends & Family

I would not have made it this far in life without the support of friends and family, this is just my way of saying thank you.

  • Amritarupa Laha <– my older sister’s Instagram
  • Bhaswar Studios <– Naman is a batchmate at ISI Kolkata, and an amazing singer. You can also find a lot of videos about life in ISI Kolkata here.

Last updated on 27 August 2022.