Adityarup Laha

| Personal Website

Just a place for me to share my thoughts and projects.



Just started out on my college life, so the list is still short. Hope to grow it quickly though!

  • Bayesian Learning (under Prof. Kiranmoy Das, ISI Kolkata): Report WIP
  • (Ongoing project)

Creative Commons License

These are projects I’ve done as part of my coursework at ISI. All content is to be considered to be licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, unless otherwise specified.

  • Semester 1: Statistical Methods Project

    Exploratory Data Analysis

    Report: Unavailable

  • Semester 2: Statistical Methods Project

    Exploratory Data Analysis

    Report: Unavailable

  • Semester 2: Vectors & Matrices Project

    Eigenface (Facial recognition with clustering using principal component analysis)

    Report: Unavailable

OSI Approved Licenses are used.

Personal Programming Projects

Actively maintained:


These were part of my school life, though not strictly part of the curriculum:

Unmaintained & Archived:

These I hope to get back to someday:

And these are projects I’ve basically left:

Still have a lot of ideas that I hope to turn into code someday.

Other Associated Projects

Check my Featured page.

Last updated on 27 August 2022.